Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gay Wisdom

Finding about about gays and lesbians down through history has been helpful and encouraging for me.  I urge you to check our Gay Wisdom.  You can reaceive an email everyday with bits about famous (infamous) GLBTQ folk,  Plus occasional articles and news.  Publishers of White Crane Journal, these folk do a great job. 

The daily emails are free.  And, you can subscribe to White Crane, if you want.  Or just give to support this valuable resource.

And in other news . . . . .

Regarding my last post and comments I received, let me comment on a comment from Lemuel.  His advice is wise. 

I don't want to get too "pushy."  I know the balance is delicate.  Part of the irritation for me is that some "customers" may just disappear, and I know I have no control over that.  How do I balance talking about it, and leaving it be?  I want folk to talk instead of just avoiding me, or the issue. 

But I can't control any of it.   Wait, watch, and pray. 


Ultra Dave said...

You are stil the same person you have alwaays known yourself to be. The only difference is now they do to. No need to do anything different than before. If they have questions, let them ask. I rarely talk about myself or my life to anyone, I just prefer it that way. (though you couldn't tell by my blog...LOL)

Cubby said...

That's a cool site, Joe. Thanks.

Neil said...

Remember what you've always been telling me about having or not having control over things? Let go. :-)

Lemuel said...

None of us want our customer base to erode. But customers (especially in your line of work) disappear frequently and over various issues. Always have. Always will.

From all the studies that I've seen, the trick is to notice their disappearance as soon as possible (within a week or two) and to head it off at the pass with a private visit and conversation to determine their reasons. Some are determined and you will only have the satisfaction of trying. But for others, such a conversation not only provides a (private) opportunity to clear the air, but it strokes the customers' egos. You send a message that you care for your customers. I would not assume that their reason for disappearing is your coming out, but perhaps in this environment you can address their concerns if it appears to be the cause. If you do it with grace, poise, and dignity, word will get out to others. Best wishes and lots of hugs, you are correct. It is a tricky balancing act.

Birdie said...

Honey, you've got to move that figurine out of your office and take it back home. That should help. :)

Ur-spo said...

"Control" is vastly overrated.