Friday, March 19, 2010

Whose business

We've had some discussion at my place of business about me.  Coming out.  The boss is gay!  He's queer.  OMG!

Hasn't been that dramatic. But is has been serious.  Things are still (generally) going very well.  We are feeling the pinch of the economic crush.  )At least I'm hoping it's the crunch and not about me. Probably a bit grandiose of me, but, well, hey.)

At our "board" meeting, I asked "how things are going? what are you hearing?  any fall out that we need to talk about?"

Of course, again, the old paen that is really isn't anybody's business.  Of course it's not.  That's right.  And i can't believe what I said back to them:

"Well, no.  It may not be anybody's business.  But straight people seem to make my life their business.  I'm the one living with the condemnation, the secrecy, the hiding.  "Don't ask, don't tell" is easy when it's not your life."

Oh, my.  I'm not sure it came out that clearly, succinctly, or (actually) forcefully.  But it's the gist of what i said.  Yes.  I am going to make it my business.

I'm gay.  And I'm here to stay. 

It really helps me to say that.


Anonymous said...

I like the way you are sounding: proud of who you are confident.

behrmark said...

You totally rock.

Ultra Dave said...


Ur-spo said...

bravo !

Lemuel said...

I guess I will be the one to voice a note of caution here. If you are talking about others whispering behind your back, making false accusations, having issues with you but failing to confront you directly, then I join the chorus of kudos for your attitude.

If however you're going all "Queer Nation" on your customers, then I urge some caution. Just as I resent and oppose het's who want to force their values and life on gays, so I also am not in favor of gays being in the face of hets who otherwise would probably be supportive of our cause.

manxxman said...

You're gay.........seriously. Hum and all along I thought you were tall.

Birdie said...

Your calm assurance will set the tone for others to follow. They will reflect your confidence and repeat your words. You have friends—including us—with whom you can rant privately. But the public persona will be the one that will lead. I know how hard it is to keep your tongue. Save your frustrations til later, with someone you can trust.

Java said...

Good for you!

BentonQuest said...

I remember what one of my customers said once, "It was not a big deal to us because it was not a big deal to you." I didn't avoid the topic, but I also was not a "one trick pony."

Cubby said...

Very good Joe.