As I am out at work and need to be seen in the electronic community, I've had to do a few things to protect the privacy of my blog and such. i don't want to stop blogging or delete my blog, or feel restrictive in what I can write. So, if I've dissapeared as a 'follower' of you blog, know that i just might reappear later.
If this is confusing to you, it is more so for me. The enduring electronic presence of me (or any of us) is a little scary. Our words, images, statements, etc., have been captured electronically, and may remain in cyberspace forever and ever, and ever.
While I've done what I can to change some things, The Bear Abides.
I understand your reasoning for hiding. Unfortunately I see too many blog profiles, especially of gay bloggers that show their back walking away. This is not only a symbolic image but seems to deny the reality of what it takes to combat homophobia. As long as one permits society at large to dictate our freedom, that person will always remain a prisoner of oppression. I am out in my blog as I have been in my life since 1964. Sure, I've lost two wonderful jobs because of homophobia but I can sleep at night because I know that I am a free man. I have nothing to be ashamed of in my blog writings or postings of photographs. I do not post pornographic pictures because I don't want to offend my straight followers and I don't' want to pander to my gay followers. I post as an individual who just happens to be gay. Everyone has to choose their own path and I wish you the best but I have found playing by the rules set by those who discriminate against me never works in the long run. Besides it's not good for your mental health. I talk from 69 of experience. This is the only path that works, believe me.
Ron, I agree with you! Losing my job and not being able to support the family I've already hurt so much is the fear that drives this. Forgive.
I hope some day you are free to be yourself without fear, no apologies, no regrets. I embrace the" electronic world" and all that I've shared and revealed and would not hide a thing about me no matter what, for any reason, for better or worse. The weight of the secret, the fear of discovery, is smothering. You have different issues to deal with, ones I never have and never will, but I still wish for you a day and time when this will all be unnecessary and you can put your mental well being and freedom above all others as the complete and honest person you deserve to be. Perhaps when your children are older and can stand on their own two feet, you can show them the example of true courage and conviction by refusing to hide or even disguise all the wonderful things about you. I hope you will not let anyone or anything else stand in the way of being who you are ever again. It's not worth it. What good is having anything if we must enjoy it from a cell of our own making? A gilded cage is no less confining...
Why is it every time I see that pic of you walking away from the camera I have the overwhelming urge to grab a rope and lasso you?
nevertheless, there is nothing like a new frock to brighten up the day, and it is good to have a new chapter in you Life.
I understand you are in a difficult situation and I sympathize with you. I feel bad that anyone permits others to define them. All I can do is share my life experience of 69 years with you. I may have lost two jobs because I refused to be put into a cage but believe me, that would have been my prison. When I walked away from those jobs I felt a vast sense of relief because I refused to be pinned down in a world of their making. I knew by that my small act of defiance that I was helping lifting the yoke of oppression that has been on the backs of gays and lesbians for centuries. I've never had one moment of regret. I survived and you will too.
I understand completely. 'Nuff said.
Completely understandable. And I might add - you have a really nice muscular ass in the pic. Too much? ;)
Just do whatever you need to do... everyone's life requires different courses of action.... for those of us living in smaller centres and in certain professions, there is a still greater need for discretion.
may you find peace Brother.
I wasn't gonna do it, but...before someone else posts it...
and hopefuly you will get a piece
My heart is with you, big beautiful fella. I'm sorry to know that fear hounds you so, that it is such an ever-present daily energy driving your affairs. Take heart, be yourself. Much love, j
Good that we still can read your blog here!
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