This being a (somewhat) anonymous blog, there are things I feel safer sharing than on, say, Facebook (oh, the scourge of it).
Finally, I accepted myself as gay, around 2004. Separated from my wife in 2007. Came out at work in January 2010. What a decade this has been. I have learned so much, and learning still. Experiencing so much.
Always there are thresholds to cross; the closet threshold was a major step. But there were more, and are more.
The latest threshold in into sobriety. More later. Cheers.
Welcome back, friend! I find myself doing the same thing in regards to blogging again.
Welcome Back. I'll be watching to see how you have been doing.
I am glad you have returned to the blogosphere.
Gracious Goodness, so glad that I kept this URL in the tinytinyrss reader :-)
Welcome Back. Good to see a post from you. It was worth the wait.
Looks like an almost perfect 3-year cycle to me.
Really nice to hear from you again. Have often wondered how you were doing
Our journeys paralleled - I had a two year jump on ya (coming out in 2002, blah blah blah). Good to see you back and interested to hear what's been happening.
Glad to see that you are back!
As you work on your sobriety I will be praying for you.
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