Let's see if this title gets some hits.
I've been catching up on reading some blogs, but I've not posted in a while. I'll try to keep the whining to a minimum. So, here goes . . .
Tonight, I'm home alone. Whine. So, I've turned the heat up! Such profligacy! It's up to 68 degrees in here! It hasn't been above 65 this season. I am SO glad I'm on an equalized payment plan with the gas company! I'd rather have someone to help warm the bed, and me.
I live in a nice condo owned by others. They let me live here for next-to-nothing. It is the
only way I could afford such as this.
But hard times have hit all over, and they are going to have to sell it. This news came hard to me. They gave me first dibs, but there is no way I could afford the monthly payment on a mortgage (forget a down payment). No way. So, now
I will have to clean house and get it ready to be shown. Now that IS scary. I know it will take a while to sell. Maybe quite a while. But the prospect of moving is a real drag.
A friend with ample room has already offered space. And other options may open. I'll have to take someone up on such an offer, because I cannot afford more than this unless I win the lottery (which I have yet to play).
Way will open. God will provide. But I am very thankful for what I have had (and still have). It has been nice to have guests on occasion. Sharing space with another person (even though he be another gay man) will limit my opportunities to entertain. (Not that I've done
that much entertaining).
Oh, and the hot bear sex? Well, that's another story. One I'd have to make up, mostly. But maybe not totally . . . .