Monday, December 18, 2006

Help me out here

I have had lots of comments on my last post. Some supportive, some instructive, some directive.

Michael (of Someone is Rocking My Dreamboat), though our ages are the same, you have had far more years of experience being out than I have. And from your comments, perhaps you've shown far more courage than I have yet to show. So, you have garnered more experience and more wisdom that I have. Our journeys are not the same.

When I generalize my personal experience, assuming it should be the same as everyone else's, it becomes easier to dismiss others. Judgment is easier than kindness.
Cheers, Joe.


john said...

Sorry I couldn't help very much, and just offer my prayers and thoughts.

A Troll At Sea said...


I left an over-long comment, and it was eaten by the Blogger Gremlins.

The upshot is that I wish you all the joy the season can bring you. I cried into my salad tonight, all too aware that I will be celebrating Christmas a hundred miles away from my wife and family, and further away even in spirit, for all my ongoing love.

You are taking the steps to live in truth, and we can only pray that grace will follow.

Hang in there.