Rain has moved on. The sun is shining. Still, my life is partly cloudy. Folk have been keeping my really busy of late. Really. I'm giving up on treading water and hoping to find my snorkel and flippers. It's deep, but not circling fins have been sighted, yet.
Bears in the garden. |
I've been honored to be asked my opinions on some things by a few readers, here and there.
I am always happy to respond to questions. Email is on the profile.
Not sure I'm so wise or experienced, but being in an odd sort of work, it interests some others in this odd sort of work. Too bad none of them live closer by. I'd like to meet some folk in this odd work who are, well, odd-like-me.
This summer, I hope to have some time away from work, but there are no plans as of yet. And no money to go with the, as yet, unmade plans. I'm always happy to stay with friends here and there (and always welcome invitations). Though space is limited here, always glad to have company. There's only the sofa, or my bed. Take you pick.
Right now I'm so tired, I'm wandering. Best to get back to some emergency assistance at hand. It's always when I'm off the clock, except, I never am.
Cheers to all.