OK, I dealt in some retail therapy (sort of) a few weeks ago. I didn't purchase a tangible item, but a service, but it's just as bad. Or good.
I joined a
gym! OMG. I cannot afford this. But they were having a sale. Or were they?
Did I comparison shop? No. Did I wheel and deal? Not much. Did I feel like I was buying a car, or something? Yes. Did I explore similar options with a local vendor? No. I went with a chain; I got bowled over; I caved in; I signed the papers.
I can't believe I did that. Where is my ex-wife when I need her? She was always the wheeler-dealer. She read books on car buying before a purchase. She read books on real estate before buying or selling. Me? Well, sweet innocent little me couldn't bargain his way out of a free food line.
At 6'2", 250 lbs, you'd think I'd be intimidating. But I am a little wussy pussy cat. Putty in their hands. Cash on their bankrolls. Ahhhh!
Of course, I always ask myself the questions of "do I need this?" and "do I deserve this?" as well as the "can I afford this?" question. Dragging my self-esteem out of the cesspool takes some effort, but I don't regret doing that. YES. I deserve it. YES, I need to do something to get into better shape. Even though I live in a beautiful area for hiking, I don't get out much. (Hey, I don't get out much in a lot of ways, but I digress).
Yes. I am as deserving as the next person. And, I need to "get a life." That's part of what this journey out of the closet is about: finding myself, discovering myself, creating myself. And I need more than just some "cardio" workout stuff. I want to strengthen arms and chest [and look like a real muscle bear] and be a healthier person.
So, how do all you in blogger-land manage going to the gym? How do you make it a habit? When do you go? Do you
like to go?
So, tonight I meet with the trainer person. (Uh oh. I'm wearing my
Atlanta Bucks t-shirt).