I've wanted to email some folk directly but have not had the chance. Forgive. I'll write.
I've been living in a condo at the kindness of some friends. They own lots of property. But nothing sells, so cash flow has tightened. The condo has been for sale for months with no nibbles. Someone looked at it Monday afternoon.
I get a call on Tuesday morning. The owners are renting it. Could I be out by May first? I had no idea they would rent it. But I am paying very little rent. A bargain. A steal! They need the income. I understand, though I'm stunned, shocked, numb.
I have to find a place to live that I can afford. And I can't afford "market rates" around here.
First, I will not be homeless. Friends have offered long-term hospitality. I cried.
But there are many, many factors and issues that go into the mix. It really does get very complicated on many levels. I'll explain more when I've time to write.
Suffice it to say, I am still here. I will thrive. Way will open. God will provide.
Damn. I'd sure love some providential lottery numbers, though . . . . .
(I guess I would have to buy a ticket).