It's not so bad as last time. I am much better after just a few days. But still. This is not the way I wanted to spend "a few days off." But it has forced the issue of taking some time off (which was sorely needed - no pun intended).
So, lying here in bed, legs supported gently, I've slept, read, watched YouTube videos (and some others), and done some work needed for today. It was stuff for which I was responsible for a business meeting. I did not have to lead the "stuff", just have it prepared. And so, over the weekend, I got it all done, emailed to appropriate folk. It was an out-of-town meeting that I don't mind missing. That wasn't really how I wanted to take time off, either.
And, I've got a big presentation thingy at work on Wednesday night. So, I'll have time to work on that.
And in other news . . . . .
As mentioned, I watched some things on-line. Several of the oft-touted It Gets Better videos, once again, moved me to tears. Why does that always happen? Some of the most moving ones involved several gay men's choruses. So I Googled several and watched more youtubes of them. I cried more. Good stuff. The power of song, the wonder of men's voices, the strength of other gay men singing out together. The Heartland Men's Chorus has a wonderful mission: "our voices enlighten, inspire, heal, and empower." They are out and proud and take that mission seriously, I think. Many other gay men's choruses do that, as well, and I was inspired and healed by hearing stories of others. And music that sings to my soul. There are some great It Get's Better videos with both music and interviews from the London Gay Men's Chorus, The Gay Men's Chorus of DC and the Vancouver Men's Chorus. Worth watching.